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Canister Snapshots Example

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This example demonstrates the process of taking and loading canister snapshots. It features a canister named chat, which functions as a miniature database. The remove_spam canister method intentionally includes a bug to simulate data loss. The example outlines the steps to install the canister, create a snapshot, and subsequently restore the data after the simulated data loss.


This example requires an installation of:

  • Install the IC SDK. Note: the Canister Snapshots feature requires dfx version 0.23.0-beta.3 or later.

  • Clone the example dapp project: git clone

  • Step 1: Begin by opening a terminal window and navigating into the project's directory

cd examples/rust/canister-snapshots
  • Step 2: Start a clean local Internet Computer replica and a web server

dfx stop
dfx start --clean

This terminal will stay blocked, printing log messages, until the Ctrl+C is pressed or dfx stop command is run.

Example output:

% dfx stop && dfx start --clean
Running dfx start for version 0.23.0-beta.3
Replica API running on
  • Step 3: Open another terminal window in the same directory

cd examples/rust/canister-snapshots
  • Step 4: Compile and deploy chat canister

dfx deploy

Example output:

% dfx deploy
Deploying all canisters.
Deployed canisters.
Backend canister via Candid interface:
  • Step 5: Populate the database with data

dfx canister call chat append 'Hi there!'
dfx canister call chat dump

Example output:

% dfx canister call chat append 'Hi there!'
% dfx canister call chat dump
(vec { "Hi there!" })
  • Step 6: Take canister snapshot

Canister chat is currently running, and snapshots should not be taken of active canisters. Therefore, the canister should be stopped before taking a snapshot and then restarted.

dfx canister stop chat
dfx canister snapshot create chat
dfx canister start chat

Example output:

% dfx canister stop chat
Stopping code for canister chat, with canister_id bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai
% dfx canister snapshot create chat
Created a new snapshot of canister chat. Snapshot ID: 000000000000000080000000001000010101
% dfx canister start chat
Starting code for canister chat, with canister_id bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai
  • Step 7: Simulate data loss

The remove_spam canister method intentionally includes a bug to simulate data loss.

dfx canister call chat remove_spam
dfx canister call chat dump

Example output:

% dfx canister call chat remove_spam
(0 : nat64)
% dfx canister call chat dump
(vec {})

There is no more data in the database.

  • Step 8: Restore the canister state from the snapshot

Canister chat is currently running, and snapshots should not be applied to active canisters. Therefore, the canister must be stopped before applying the snapshot and then restarted.

dfx canister stop chat
dfx canister snapshot list chat
dfx canister snapshot load chat 000000000000000080000000001000010101
dfx canister start chat
dfx canister call chat dump

Example output:

% dfx canister stop chat
Stopping code for canister chat, with canister_id bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai
% dfx canister snapshot list chat
000000000000000080000000001000010101: 1.61MiB, taken at 2024-08-27 18:19:20 UTC
% dfx canister snapshot load chat 000000000000000080000000001000010101
Loaded snapshot 000000000000000080000000001000010101 in canister chat
% dfx canister start chat
Starting code for canister chat, with canister_id bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai
% dfx canister call chat dump
(vec { "Hi there!" })

The canister state has been successfully restored from the snapshot.


Canister Snapshots are a powerful new tool for developers. In the event of accidental data loss, bugs, or configuration errors, canisters can be quickly restored to a previous working state. Snapshots help ensure that critical data and services remain accessible even in the face of unexpected events, providing developers with peace of mind.

Security considerations and best practices

If you base your application on this example, we recommend you familiarize yourself with and adhere to the security best practices for developing on the Internet Computer. This example may not implement all the best practices.